November 20, 2023

Stressed About an Upcoming Move? Here are 7 Ways to Stay Organized Throughout It!

Moving can be an exciting but often stressful experience. Whether you’re moving your whole family into a new home or moving your child into a dorm, it’s easy for things to get chaotic. Staying organized is key to reducing stress and ensuring a smooth transition.

Organization Hacks from Guelph Storage Company

As the premier Guelph storage company, we know how stressful it can be when moving. There is so much that has to be considered and planned out. You’ll likely be too overwhelmed to remember everything you have to, so we created a list for you:

  1. Create a Master Plan
  2. Make a List
  3. Set a Timeline
  4. Establish if You’ll Need External Help
  5. Purge
  6. Choose the Right Packing Supplies
  7. Label Everything

Let’s take a closer look at all these tasks!

1. Create a Master Plan

The key to staying organized is to have a plan. In fact, your comprehensive plan will include all the other tasks on the list. This ensures you know how to coordinate each step appropriately.

2. Making Lists

Making a detailed moving checklist is key for planning. List all the tasks that need to be completed, such as decluttering, packing, renting a storage unit, changing your address, and more. Having a clear plan will keep you on track and help you manage your time effectively.

The Magic of a Packing List

  • In addition, you’ll create a packing list. A packing list helps you pack more efficiently. It ensures you don’t forget to pack anything, and you can prioritize items you’ll need immediately upon arrival at your new home.
  • In the unfortunate event that any of your items get damaged or lost during the move, having a detailed packing list can be valuable for insurance claims. You’ll have a record of your belongings and their condition before the move.
  • Your packing lists can also serve as a home inventory, which is useful for shopping purposes, estate planning, or keeping track of your possessions.

3. Set a Timeline

Managing your time effectively will help significantly in reducing your stress and procrastination when moving. Determine your moving date and work backward to allocate specific tasks for each day or week. Stick to this schedule to avoid last-minute pressure and late nights.

4. Establish If You Need External Help

Once you have a timeline, establish if you need to hire external help. This could include moving or storage companies. If you have a lot of heavy furniture on high-up floors, you may need professional help moving it. In addition, there are self storage or mobile storage units you can rent to store items in while staging or cleaning your home. Establishing this early on is beneficial, as you can budget accordingly.

5. Cleansing to Stay Organized

It can be challenging to get rid of items, especially if they make us nostalgic. However, moving is already an extraneous process, so why bother packing and unpacking items that sit and collect dust? A good rule for deciding what to get rid of is: if you haven’t used it in the last 3 years, it’s safe to go. This obviously excludes items that are used for special occasions or have extreme sentimental value.

When getting rid of items, it’s a good idea to donate or even try selling them. Yes, it can be time-consuming, but it’s less wasteful. If there are items you can’t commit to getting rid of or know you won’t need for a while, consider getting a storage unit to keep them in the meantime.

6. Plan for Packing Supplies

Your packing list will help you understand what packing supplies you need and the quantities. Stock up on quality packing supplies, including boxes, packing tape, bubble wrap, and packing paper. Having the suitable materials on hand will make the packing process much smoother. Otherwise, you’ll constantly be running around buying materials, which is time consuming and annoying.

7. Label Everything

Clearly label your boxes with the correct contents and the room they belong in. This will help you unpack efficiently and prevent confusion when you arrive at your new home.

Take a systematic approach to packing by tackling one room at a time. This way, you stay organized and ensure you don’t forget anything.Pack an essentials box that contains the items you’ll need to retrieve right away, such as toiletries, a change of clothes, chargers, important documents, and basic kitchen supplies. Label this box clearly and ensure it’s easily accessible.

Gather and keep important documents, such as your lease or home purchase agreement, moving contracts, and identification, in a folder or envelope. Keep these documents safe during the move rather than sending them off with others. Pro Tip: Inform utility companies, post offices, and relevant contacts about your upcoming move. Remember to update your address with banks, subscriptions, and government agencies.

Good Luck With Your Move!

By following these tips, you can stay organized and minimize the chaos that often accompanies a move. Remember that planning ahead and staying focused on the details can make your transition to a new home a more enjoyable and less stressful experience.

If you require a storage unit to make your move more efficient, whether self storage or mobile storage, feel free to contact us today!