January 25, 2024

Ideas for Turning Storage Unit Junk into New and Improved Items

Have you ever forgotten about an item you had in storage? When you see it again, you can feel two ways—enthusiasm or… unenthusiasm. You either forgot about this beautiful piece you have the perfect spot for or removed this hideous thing from your memories. If it’s the latter, we have suggestions for refurbishing or repurposing said pieces so they don’t just go to waste. So grab your safety goggles and paintbrush because we’ve got some ideas on quickly transforming old trash into new treasure.

Refurbish Old Items

Refurbishing an item means making it better to improve its value. This involves the process of renovating, restoring, or repairing a used or worn-out object to improve its overall condition, functionality, and appearance. Refurbishing aims to give the item a new lease on life, extending its usability and often enhancing its value. The great thing about this is once you refurbish something, you can often sell it for more than you purchased it. Refurbishing can be applied to various types of items, including furniture, electronics, clothing, and more.

DIY Refurbish Ideas

1. Refurbish Old Pieces of Furniture

Refurbishing items can be a rewarding and sustainable way to breathe new life into old or worn-out things. Items like tables, chairs, dressers, and bookshelves are common items that can be refurbished quite easily. You can create a completely new piece with as little as a sander and a coat of protective finish. If you don’t have room or use for it, no problem. It’s likely you can sell it for even more than you purchased it for. Just ensure you’re always safe when using tools, and consult a professional beforehand.

For an extra touch of wow, you can even try adding an old electronic device into a piece of furniture. A popular option is if you have a record player that is still kicking but needs a facelift. Adding this electronic device to a lonely piece of furniture in your storage unit is a bonus. Tables or dressers with a record player are a huge hit and go for a pretty penny online.

2. Refurbish Home Decor

If we’ve overwhelmed you with the first two options, home decorations like lamps, mirrors, or shelves, are super easy to refurbish. A simple paint job can provide a massive facelift for any one of these items.

Let’s say you have some old vases collecting dust in your storage unit. Painting over them with a solid colour or a fun design can completely change the aesthetic of this item. If you’re feeling extra fancy, you can apply a decoupage with decorative paper or wrap some nice fabric around it.

3. Refurbish Clothing and Accessories

A very easy item to refurbish is an article of clothing, and you don’t always need to be able to sew to do this! Refurbishing clothing is a creative way to update your wardrobe without constantly buying new items. The global textile industry generates a staggering 92 million tons of waste annually. Presently, clothing and textiles account for at least 7% of the overall waste in landfills worldwide. So, if you have boxes of clothing sitting in your storage unit, consider refurbishing them instead of throwing them away!

A super easy and popular option for this is tie-dye. While it may sound too groovy for you, tie-dying clothing has come a long way. A quick search online will unveil a massive variety of patterns and designs you’d never imagine could result from simply dying your clothing!

Repurpose Old Items

To repurpose an item means to use it for something other than it was originally intended. This practice aligns with principles of sustainability and environmental consciousness by reducing waste and promoting resource efficiency. In this case, you may be unable to resell the item; however, you reused it rather than waste it. For example, if you have old jars and turn them into vases or old teapots, you turn into bird feeders.

DIY Repurpose Ideas

1. Repurpose Kitchenware

While it may not sound appealing to repurpose kitchenware, there are actually a lot of useful items that can be created by old kitchenware. While you’ll likely want to stay clear of using anything broken or with sharp edges, items like teapots or mason jars are amongst the most popular items to repurpose.

Consider turning a vintage teapot into a bird feeder, or a mason jar into a vase, without even looking at a paintbrush. Of course, you can always add an extra touch to these items, but the beauty of repurposing is that nothing needs to be altered about these items to make them function.

2. Repurpose Wooden Items

Repurposing wooden items reduces the demand for new wood, contributing to a more sustainable use of resources. While you don’t want to use it in a way that’ll lead to constant splinters, there are certain items that are great to repurpose.

For example, if you have some old wooden pallets lying around in your storage unit, repurposing these for raised garden beds or vertical gardens is an easy and fun way to bring this old wood to life. Also, if you’re lucky enough to have an old wooden ladder lying around, using this as a towel shelf adds a very unique touch to your home.

3. Repurpose Tires

Tires are difficult to dispose of and can pose environmental hazards. Repurposing them helps reduce the environmental impact of tire waste. Tires are made to withstand various weather conditions and are durable, making them suitable for outdoor projects.

So, how can you repurpose an old tire? Using a tire to create a planter is a great way to repurpose this item and add a cool touch to your garden. Tires can also be used to build play structures like tire climbers and for the iconic tire swing. A unique option is a tire pong. Bury a tire partially in the ground and use it as a base for a small pond or water feature.

Why Transform Unused Storage Finds into Practical and Innovative Creations

Refurbishing and repurposing items offer several advantages, making them beneficial for both individuals and the environment. Refurbishing and repurposing help reduce the amount of waste sent to landfills. By giving items a new purpose, it minimizes the environmental impact associated with the disposal of used goods. Repurposing and refurbishing items also reduces the demand for new raw materials. This helps conserve natural resources and energy that would be used in the production of new items. In addition, it can be more cost-effective than purchasing new items. Used or discarded items are often more affordable, and refurbishing can be less expensive than buying something brand new.

If you need a space to store items you’re contemplating what to do with or store the tools you’ll use in your refurbishing projects, contact us today!